Cooling Tower Audits

Audit Description Type
Certifications for Cooling Tower Inspection Tools Expiring in 30 Days Audit reports when the certifications for Strippers, Water Rotameters, Air Rotameters, and Thermometers for Cooling Tower inspections will expire in 30 days. Event
Cooling Tower on DOR for 110 Days Audit creates an alert when it has been 110 days since the DOR Approved date for an open DOR from a Cooling Tower inspection type leak. Event
Cooling Tower on DOR with >62 PPM Audit creates an alert when a component with an Open DOR from a cooling tower inspection type leak has a Cooling Tower inspection with an actual reading above 62 PPM. Event
Leak on Cooling Tower Open for 30 Days Audit creates an alert when a Cooling Tower inspection type leak has been open for 30 days. Event
Cooling Tower inspection with ≥10x leak definition with Stripper This audit will report the stripper used for any Cooling Tower inspection that has a PPM ≥ 10x leak definition. It is an Event type porch. Event

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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