Calibration Audits

Note: An asterisk (*) next to the name of the audit indicates the audit is for CalX.x-only users.

Name Description
10 Days since On-Site Analyzer Cal * Any active analyzer and has not been calibrated in 10 or more days.
72 Hours Since Last Daily Calibration * It has been 72 hours since the most recent Daily Calibration record.
80 Days since Analyzer PreCal * Any active analyzer that has not been precision calibrated in 80 days or more.
Any Failed Drift * Analyzer was calibrated and passed daily calibration, and then later that day failed any Drift Assessment.
Cylinders expiring In < 30 Days * Any cylinder expiring in less than 30 days.
Inspections in last 30 days with no Precision Calibration Any Inspection with Precal older than # days’ field.


Verifies all M21 inspections in the last 30 days have a passing Precision Calibration record within the # of days set in the PPM settings.

Inspections without passing drifts M21 inspections that do not have a satisfying drift.
Inspections in last 30 days with no Daily Calibration Verifies all M21 inspections in the last 30 days have a passing Daily Calibration to support them.
No Noon Drift * Analyzer was calibrated and passed Daily Calibration, and no Drift Assessment was performed within 6 hours of that calibration time.
No Passing Second (EOD) Drift * Analyzer was calibrated and passed Daily Calibration, a passing Noon Drift was performed and no Drift Assessment was performed within 6 hours of the noon drift for that day.

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