Data Quality Audits

Name Description Type
Agitators / Size Not 0 Any active Agitator with a size not equal to Zero or Null. State
Bad Routes Components that are not routed well. Event
Compressor in LL or HL Any Compressor with a Physical State of LL or HL. Event
Compressors / Size Not 0 Any active Compressor with a size not equal to Zero or Null. This audit will exclude components with Profile = Deactivated. State
Connectors / Size = 0 Any active Connector with no size or size zero. State
Duplicate Location Descriptions Any Duplicate Location Descriptions per LUnit. State
Field Finds Any component with a Profile Change Reason of Field Find. Event
Gas Vapor Pumps Any pump with Physical State set to Gas Vapor. State
Orphaned SubTags Any active SubTag that has a missing or deactive parent Tag. State
Pumps / Size Not 0 Any active Pump with a size. State
Reactivated Components Any component that has been reactivated. Event
SubTags on NonConnector Any active SubTag that is not a connector. State
SubTags with PhyState Mismatch Any active SubTag that Physical State does not match its parent’s physical state. State
TUPurged Profile with > 0 PPM Component with a TUPurged Profile and a greater than 0 PPM inspection. Event
Valve / Size = 0 Any active Valve with no size or size zero. State

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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