If you are transitioning from LeakDAS to Chateau, there are several items that might be of interest to you. This article describes how Chateau is different from LeakDAS in the following areas:
Quarantine on MOC edits
“Approving” inspections
Routes vs. Tours
Multiple leaks on the same components
Relationship to Leaks and DORs
Enhanced Picklist Control
Improved sync process
- TUx or DeActivated vs OOS
- Analyzer Calibration
- fDTM
- LowE
- Rules
Mass Exemption
- Follow-up Monitoring
- Tag Numbers
- Extension Probe
1. Quarantine
MOC (and other) edits, including New Components, suggested by a technician marked as an Approver go directly into Chateau. This role is assigned in the Resources / People tab.
If you want the chance to view and confirm any new component or component edit suggested by a technician, then mark that technician as a Suggester (but NOT an Approver) in the Resources / People tab.
If a technician is not marked as an Approver and is only marked as a Suggester, then edits will go the MOC Porch and New Components will go to the New Component porch. You may find these two porches will act like a quarantine feature: you can view, consider, approve or reject, modify, and put comments on each entry.
One aspect of Chateau that will seem to be functioning as a type of “quarantine” is the way we manage reported AVO failures. Since so many of these AVO failures turn out not to be actual AVO leaks, Chateau initially classifies all AVO failures (except those identified by an OGI camera) as an AVO Event rather than a Leak. The user can then use the AVO Event subtab (in the Leaks tab) to collect additional information and make a management decision whether to classify this AVO Event as an AVO Leak.
If it is determined this event is not a Leak (if it was just water dripping after an overnight rain, for instance), then the AVO Event can be closed without further action.
2. Approving Inspections
Inspections are processed directly into the Chateau database. You can run various PPM, pace, and QC porches to confirm the legitimacy of the inspection records. See Porches for more details. If you want to delete any inspection records, please contact .
3. Routes vs. Tours
In some LDAR databases, the term “route” is used to refer to two different things:
the arrangement of all tags in the best order for performing inspections (also called the “route sequence”)
the smaller group of components assembled for placement in a handheld for each day’s inspection
Chateau does not use words to mean more than one thing, which is why we have the Route Sequence (referring to the order in which all tags are sorted to make them most efficient for inspection) and Tours (the smaller group organized to be checked out to a handheld for a day’s inspection).
Based on this, we don’t “build routes,” we “build tours.” You can learn all about how Chateau does this in the Tours section.
4. Multiple Leaks on the same Component
Occasionally, you may see more than one leak on the same component in the Leak grid. This will happen under two scenarios:
Associated Leaks | More than one leak generated on the same component from the same reading by different leak definitions according to different rules. Example: If Tag 17 had a 1,100 PPM reading which created a leak for Rule A (at 500 PPM) and Rule B (at 1,000 PPM), then Chateau had TWO leaks, but recognizes they are sharing the same component and inspection event. |
Secondary Leaks | A leak found on an existing leak at a higher PPM after an Attempt and ReTest on an existing leak. Example: An inspection of 600 PPM creates a leak against a 500 PPM leak definition for Rule A. After the first attempt and ReTest, the PPM reading goes to 1500 PPM and creates a leak against a 1,000 PPM leak definition for Rule B. |
This enables you to manage each of these leaks independently on each component for different PPM levels and leak dates.
5. Leaks and DORs
When you place a component on DOR, Chateau creates an entirely new data record independent of the initial leak. This gives you the option of either closing the leak when creating the DOR, or leaving the leak open.
6. x Marks in Picklist Items
LeakDAS does not allow you to remove outdated or unusable items from a picklist. For this reason, some users have added x marks to those items to differentiate them from the useful, active items.
Chateau enables you to HIDE unneeded picklist items and thereby remove them from the picklist. You can learn more about this in the Picklists article.
7. Slightly Different Sync Process
Chateau has a specially-designed sync process enabling Chateau to “grab” data from the handheld and safeguard it by storing it in memory. Then, as a second step, Chateau processes the data into the database. You can learn about this process in the Chateau Mobile Sync Status article.
The Chateau Mobile Sync Status (on the Tours tab) will enable you to track the precise time of each check-in and check-out. You will also be able to quickly identify all Tours still checked-out. Finally, you may be able to use the Reprocess button to ensure successful import of your data, if needed.
Additionally, the process of moving data to and from Chateau Mobile is broken up into a two-step process.
The technician will be prompted either to check in or check out, depending on whether he or she has data in the handheld needing to be checked in. If you need to check in a tour and then check out another, you may need to wait a moment to allow Chateau to check in and process the new data.
The benefits to this two-step process include:
- Separating the upload and download processes, so if one fails, you still have the other.
- Providing an immediate capture to save data.
- Allowing Rules to update before checking in by notifying the user via popup if time is still needed for the updates to finish.
Under normal circumstances, and considering the size of the tour(s) and the nature of your network connection, this process could take between 1-3 minutes depending on how much data is being processed.
8. TUx or DeActivated vs OOS
When a component is not supposed to be included in your monitoring requirements (either because it has been removed from service, or there is a reason why it can’t or doesn’t need to be inspected for the time being), Chateau provides a robust system for you to record, track, manage, and confirm how you want the component to be managed, using the Profile field.
There are three options. DeActivated means the component is GONE; i.e., not coming back. Don’t even think about it. However, if the component is still there, but does not need to be monitored (or can’t be monitored) for some period of time, Chateau allows you to mark its Profile as Temporarily Unavailable in Service (TUiS) or Temporarily Unavailable Purged (TUPurged).
For more details on this feature, please see the TUx section.
10. DTM/UTM How
11. fDTM
13. Rules
Note: The rule’s effective date matters as it determines whether inspections satisfy the rule based on the inspection date.
When using the older LDAR software, users were forced to adopt general terms to apply to a variety of specific events. One of these was “follow up” monitoring.
This term has been used to refer to the types of monitoring that have to be done after a leak has been identified and/or repaired. Chateau enables you to refer to each of these different types of monitoring in very specific ways so that you don’t have to introduce the use of a confusing, general term.
These monitoring events are defined, in Chateau, as follows:
ReTest – after a leak has been repaired to see if it is still leaking.
M1- the first month after an MMQ component has been found leaking.
M2- the month after a PASSING M1 inspection has been performed.
D30 (Delay 30)- monitoring 30 days after a leak has been repaired.
D90 (Delay 90- monitoring 90 days after a leak has been repaired.
Other than ReTest, each of these monitoring events should be scheduled, by the rules, in Chateau and will be placed in the Schedule when they are ready to be performed.
16. Tag Numbers
- You cannot reuse tag numbers, even if the old component is DeActivated. The workaround for this is to edit the DeActivated tag number to include something at the end so you can use the tag number again. You will need to use the “Like” parameter when searching for tag numbers on DeActivated tags, if needed in the future.
- You can edit a DeActivated tag.
17. Extension Probe
Every time when you connect Chateau Mobile to an analyzer, you will have an opportunity to select your probe type (Standard or Extension). This way, calibration records from the same analyzer, regardless of the probe type, can be associated with that one analyzer. In Chateau, you should NOT have to store two separate analyzers for the two probe types.