Retrieving LTI Mobile/Archer 2/Field PC for phx21 or phx42 Analyzer Logs

  1. Connect to the Archer using Windows Mobile Device Center or Activesync.

  2. Go into Hard Drive\My Documents\Ldartools\Logs.

  3. Find the log files from the day in question.

    a. Format for phx42 logs will be the following, with the year, month, and day in question in the file name. Please be sure to upload both the reading and the status log:

    • phx42-XXXX_YYYYMMDD_status.log

    • phx42-XXXX_YYYYMMDD_reading.csv

    b. Format for phx21 logs will be the following, with the year, month, and day in question in the file name:

    • phx21-XXXX_YYYYMMDD.log

  4. Please attach to the reported issue.

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