Chateau Roles

The following list refers to the various roles referenced within your database.

Term Definition
Approvers Can approve MOC suggestions made in Chateau and Chateau Mobile. Approvers can also auto-approve any component property change they make.
Builder Can log in to Builder and edit rules and static data in Chateau.
Leaks/DOR Management
Can edit and close leaks and DORs.
Picklists and Resources Management
Allows users to add and hide values in Picklists in Settings / Picklists as well as add and edit values in Resources / LUnit, Streams, Chemicals, and Cooling Tower Tools.
Can process suggested edits and suggested new components off the MOC Porch and New Component Porch.
Can suggest property changes in Chateau and Chateau Mobile. Suggesters appear in the list of suggesters the processor can select. If the processor is also a suggestor, then their account is used as both the processor and suggestor by default.
Can be assigned tours and are in the technician list that Chateau Mobile uses to synchronize with Chateau.
User Can log in to Chateau.
Owner This person can add people and edit roles, and assign roles to People.

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