Other Audits

Audit Description Type
Scout Maps that Have Not Been Reviewed Scout maps that are three days old and have been reviewed for at least 6 seconds.

Clearing Event
Components with No Regulations Currently Assigned This audit will show alerts for Components without any regulations currently assigned to them. The alerts will continue to appear until a regulation is assigned to the components, upon which it will clear itself the next time the Daily Audit runs. Clearing State
DORs, Leaks, and Inspection Edits
Triggered if there is any edit made to DORs, leaks, or inspections. It will show you the property changed, the previous and new value, the edit date and the person who edited it, and other information to help you identify where, when, and how the edit happened.
Unapproved Components on New Components Porch Triggered if the audits are run when there are unapproved components on New Components Porch. Clearing State
Unapproved Edits on MOC Porch Triggered if the audits are run when there are unapproved edits on MOC Porch. Clearing State

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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