Email Leak Photo

This presumes the tech took a photo of the leak in Chateau Mobile.

  1. Open the leak grid.

  2. Click the row of the leak.

  3. Click the View Leak button.

  4. Click Images near top.

  5. On the image, select the four arrow icon in the bottom-right corner of image.

  6. Open Snippet or Snip & Sketch on your PC.

  7. Click the New button.

  8. Using the mouse, drag a box around the image. Be sure to include the top tab with the leak ID and tag number.

  9. Add notes or the tag number to the image using the pen tool.

  10. Click Save or press Ctrl-S to save the image.

  11. Enter the tag name as the file name for the image.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Run a leak alert and save to file.

  14. Create the email.

  15. Attach the leak alert and all associated images.

  16. Send the email.

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