
Term Definition
Barcode Scanned Allows you to see on the inspections in which the technician scanned the tag’s barcode before performing the inspection.
Detector Type The type of detector used for this inspection, such as FID or PID.
Inspections Total number of inspections in a tour.
Inspection Type Indicates whether an inspection is AVO, OGI, or M21.
Inspection Why The M21 Why of most of the components in a tour.
Inspection Sample Times How long a component should be sampled. This value can be adjusted by type and size.
New The label attached to any inspection occurring before a rule is run on a component, such as when a tech documents and monitors a component in Chateau Mobile before Chateau runs the rules on that new component.
Probe Type Enables the user to choose either Standard or Extension for the probe type.

A feature added in the 04/15/2023 update. All probe types before this date were assigned “Standard” by default. You can edit the inspection if you would like to change the record.
The result of the inspection, either PASS or FAIL.

PASS is shown when the component has a leak definition and the PPM is below that leak definition. FAIL is shown when the PPM is above the Leak Definition for that component, or if the PPM is more than ZERO with NO Leak Definition set for this Component.

FAIL does not always mean a leak was created.

On the Inspections tab you can:

  • Use the ADD M21 button to manually add an M21 inspection (failed inspections will trigger leaks)
  • Use the ADD AVO button to manually add an AVO inspection (failed inspections will trigger AVO events)
  • Input an Attempt
  • Sort either grid
  • Prepare a report to export to Excel
  • Show or Hide the Details Panel
  • Use the ADD OGI button to manually add an OGI inspection (failed inspections will trigger leaks)

You will notice several unique features on the ADD M21 Inspection Screen:

  • If you select the LUnit, the Plant and Facility will auto-fill.
  • M21 Why
  • M21 Variance: this enables you to track WHY a Tech may not have been able to follow Proper M21 Technique. The picklist is self-explanatory.
  • A way to record the Sample start and stop time and the Dwell start and stop time.
  • Add a document.
  • Add a comment.

Note: The text at the start of the screen tells the truth — all inspections entered on this screen are marked as having been entered manually.

You will notice these items on the Inspection grid.

  • The regulation for which a frequency requirement was satisfied by this inspection. If the inspection did not satisfy a specific regulation, then it is blank. It may, however, have more than one regulation, if more than one regulation was satisfied by the inspection. This item is automatically calculated by Chateau. You cannot add, edit, or delete it.

  • Inspection Why: This is the famous M21 Why or AVO Why.

  • Location Description: This can help you find the leaking components for repairs and ReTests.

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