Removing/Installing Enclosure Lid (WI-phx42-111)


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Items Needed
Part Name LDAR Part #
phx42 4200
Enclosure Lid 42003
Phillips Head Screwdriver n/a
T-25 Torque Driver n/a
5/32 Hex Wrench n/a


  1. Using a Phillips Head screwdriver to hold each outer screw (6) stationary on the bottom of the phx42, take a T-25 driver and unscrew the 6 outer screws on the top of the enclosure lid.

  2. Using a 5/32 hex wrench to hold each inner screw (2) stationary on the bottom of the unit, take a T-25 driver and unscrew the 2 inner screws on the top of the enclosure lid.

  3. Once all screws have been removed insert the torque driver into the center screw hole closest to you and lean the driver towards yourself while also lifting it at the same time. This will allow you to use the other hand to grab and fully remove the enclosure lid.


  1. Ensure the rubber gasket is in place and has no damage.

  2. Place the enclosure lid on unit.

  3. Deposit a screw into each hole then, in a cross pattern, hand-tighten each screw.

  4. Set the torque driver to 42.5 in./oz.

  5. Using the torque driver with a Phillips Head screwdriver (6) / hex wrench (2) underneath, tighten each screw until a “click” is heard from the torque driver.

Why can’t I use a power driver?

Thread damage is likely.

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