Level 1 Certification FAQ

Question Answer
What are the requirements to maintain a Level 1 Certification? • Whitelist all websites requested by LDARtools Support

• Company email access

• Phone Access

• 1 Flow Meter Assembly LDAR#4024

• Level 1 spare parts kit

• Level 1 tool kit

• In person training by a level 1 certified person or LDARtools Staff

• Android Device with internet access
Are all sites required to have a Level 1 Certified Technician? No. Level 1 Certification is not required.

If a phx42 goes down and you do not have a trained Level 1 Technician on-site, we will issue an RMA. Fleet units may be available for rental while the repair is being completed.
When should I become Level 1 certified? If you have 5+ phx42s at your site.

Based on the average 99%+ units in service, if you have fewer then 5 phx42s, we believe maintaining the spare parts inventory and tools is cost prohibitive.

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