When a Component is Temporarily Unavailable to be monitored, Chateau provides a comprehensive method for tracking the Component’s status AND for remembering care needs to be taken to get it back into Active status at the appropriate time.
You will also be able to record why it is unavailable, who told you, and when it is expected to be available again.
In addition, you will be able to differentiate between Components that are still “in Service” and ones that are Purged (TUPurged). If you mark a Component as TUPurged, Chateau will zero out the emissions on this Component for the indicated period of time.
When a component’s profile is set to TUPurged or TUiService, inspections scheduled by rules and manually scheduled inspections will be removed from tours and schedule. No further inspections will be scheduled for the component by rules until the TUx status is removed. Inspections manually scheduled after the profile change will not be affected.
You can also arrange to be reminded on the Home Screen, as well as by several porches and email alerts, about the status and deadlines of your TUx Components.
To place a Component on TUx status, just edit the Profile of the Component from Active to TUiService or TUPurged. To move a Component back to Active status, reverse this step by editing the Profile and selecting the Remove TUx option. Multiple components can be set to TUiService or TUPurged using the component multi-edit function.
If you need to put a component on TUx, but are unsure when it is going to be active again, you can set the Estimated Date Available to the date you prefer for rechecking the component, or to a date far in the future if you are not planning on rechecking it anytime soon. You can always update the Estimated Date Available in the TUx Log.
For reporting purposes, use the TUx Summary report.