Majordomo FAQs

How do I add a new technician to a database? Reach out to an owner of your database, if the technician is already in Majordomo they will be able to add them to the database with the roles you request. If the technician is not in Majordomo yet, they will add them if they are a member of the “Can Add User” Security Group, or reach out to someone who can add the technician.

If you are an owner of the database, then see this article on how to assign an existing user to a database. If you need to add them, then see this article on how to add a new user
I just want to add a technician, but I don’t want them to have access to Chateau, or log in to Chateau. So why do I need to add them to Majordomo? Personnel must be in Majordomo. Once the person is in Majordomo, this allows you to assign them to a database. Then in the future if they ever move to a different site, instead of having to open one database, deactivate them there and then open another database and add them there, you can instead from one screen remove and assign them to the databases you need.

Having one central location for all personnel allows you to audit all personnel roles and database assignments quickly.

If you only want to assign a technician to tours and use Chateau Mobile but do not want a technician to be able to log into Chateau, do not give them the ‘user’ role. They will be unable to log into Chateau.
The database I need to access is not in my list when I log in to Chateau. If you have access to Majordomo, open the Database grid. Filter for the database you need to access and click the name in the grid. If you are an owner of the database, you’ll be able to assign yourself to the database. If you are not, click the Owners tab to see who is an owner and contact them to grant you access.

If you do not have access to Majordomo, contact the person responsible for user management for your company or site. They will be able to assign you to the database.

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