PPM Events Audits

Name Description Type
>500 PPM on any CVS High PPM on a Closed Vent System component. Event
>500 PPM on any NDE High PPM on a component labeled as No Detectable Emissions. Event
5,000 PPM DOR with no Advanced Attempt 5,000 PPM or greater inspection on a valve (not a Control Valve) on DOR with no Drill and Tap or Secondary Seal Injection Attempts recorded. Clearing State
5,000 PPM with no Advanced Attempt by Day 11 5,000 PPM or greater inspection occurred 11 days ago on a valve (not a Control Valve) with an open leak and no Drill and Tap or Secondary Seal Injection Attempts recorded. Clearing State
5,000 PPM without 2 Advanced Attempts by Day 25 5,000 PPM or greater inspection occurred 25 days ago on a valve (not a Control Valve) with an open leak and no Drill and Tap or Secondary Seal Injection Attempts recorded. Clearing State
Insulated with 250 PPM PPM ≥250 and <500 inspection on a component with an insulation value of Soft Insulated to Bonnet, Soft Insulated to Stem, or Blanket. Event
POEL with PPM >25 PPM Any POEL (Potentially Open-Ended Line) component inspection with PPM >25 PPM above background. Event
POEL with PPM >500 PPM Any POEL (Potentially Open-Ended Line) component inspection with PPM >500 PPM above background. Event
PPM Warranty Alerts Inspections with PPM over PPM warranty on component equipment. Event
Valve with 5000 PPM (not CV) A valve (not a Control Valve) with a 5000 PPM Inspection. Clearing State

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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OGI Audits