LowE Audits

Name Description Type
500 PPM on non LowE Valve 500 PPM or greater inspection on a valve not currently on DOR and the LowE Detail property has no value. Event
500 PPM to LowE 20 day Alert 500 PPM or greater inspection which occurred 20 days ago on a valve not currently on DOR and the LowE Detail property has no value Clearing Event
DORClose on Valve without LowE Installed Delay of Repair closed on a valve without LowE equipment installed. State
LowE Comp >= 100 100 PPM or greater inspection which occurs on a component with a LowE Equipment Model currently installed. Event
LowE Comp >= 250 250 PPM or greater inspection occurs on a component with a LowE Equipment Model currently installed. Event
New LowE Any newly added valve. Event
New Valve without LowE A new valve added in the last 60 days with no LowE Model or Packing Equipment installed, where the LowE Detail has no value, and the LowERequired = Yes or has no value. Event
NonDOR LowE by Day 25 500 PPM or greater inspection which occurred 25 days ago on a component not currently on DOR, where the Isolatable = Yes, the LowE Detail property has no value, and without a LowE Equipment installation since the inspection. Event

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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