DOR Audits

Name Description Type
DOR LUnit % more than 2.5% LUnit with a DOR percentage greater than 2.5%. State
DOR Process Unit% more than 0.2% Process Unit with a DOR percentage greater than 0.2%. Clearing State
DOR Stop Leak Displays the DORStopLeak for all current DORs. Event
DOR Without 2 Advanced Maintenance Attempts Any DOR without at least two advanced maintenance Attempts. Event
Failed DOR ReTest Failed inspections with an inspection reason of DOR ReTest. Event
Missed DOR Estimated Repair Date Delay of Repairs that have not been closed by the estimated repair date. State
Missing Document – DOR Approval Any delay of repair without a DOR Approval document. State
New DOR Approvals Any new DOR approval. Event
Shutdown DOR due in < 20 days Any Shutdown with a DOR Estimated Repair Date within 20 days. State

See Types of Audits for descriptions of the “Type” column terms above.

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