InspectionWhy (M21 or AVO)

Type of “Why” (M21 or AVO) Example
Frequency W, M, Q, S, A
Phase of the MMQ Cycle M1, M2, mmq
Special Circumstances ReT, DOR, DTM, fDTM

Chateau assigns a label to every scheduled or performed inspection defining why the inspection will be or was performed.

If the Inspection is an M21 inspection, the Why is prefaced with M21. If the Inspection is an AVO inspection, then the Why is prefaced with AVO.

M21 and AVO inspections are separate. No Inspection can be both types.

You will find the InspectionWhy in the following places:

  1. Component grid
  2. Tours grids
  3. Inspection grid
  4. Inspection Record for each Inspection
  5. In Chateau Mobile
  6. Various Reports

You MUST use the Inspection Why label to request a special inspection.

For instance, if you want to monitor a recently released PRV, you can order an M21 inspection with the label PRVR (PRVRelease). Having this attached to the schedule, displayed in Tours, showing in the handheld, and then affixed to the actual inspection creates a valuable level of transparency.

Some M21 Events satisfy other M21 Events. Others do not. The following tables provide more details.

Any of these Standard M21Why can satisfy any other Standard M21Why.

InspectionWhy Inspection Type Definition
After ReAct M21 Inspection performed because a component has been ReActivated.
Annual M21 Required by regulation to be performed at this frequency.
AVOConf M21 Confirm PPM on suspect AVO.
CmpMonAudit M21 Comparative Monitoring Audit. Inspection performed by the Auditor.
CmpMonConf M21 Inspection performed to confirm the inspection was performed by an auditor.
ConfirmPurge M21 Inspection to confirm a component is actually purged.
ConfirmWeld M21 Inspection to confirm that a component is properly welded.
CVSMaintenance M21 Inspection performed as a result of maintenance on a CVS.
D30 M21
Monitoring required within 30 days after the leak was repaired.
D90 M21
Monitoring required within 90 days after the leak was repaired.
Daily (D) M21 Everyday.
DistInspAudit M21 Inspection performed during a District Audit in California.
DistInspectConf M21 Inspection taken immediately after the DistInspAudit, above, to confirm or correct the inspection taken by the District Auditor.
DOR M21 Delay-of-Repair.
Drift Fail High ReCheck M21 Inspection performed on an existing “leak” after an analyzer has failed a drift assessment to confirm the component is really leaking.
Drift Fail Low ReCheck M21 Inspection performed on an existing “leak” after an analyzer has failed a drift assessment to confirm the component is really leaking.
DTM M21 Difficult-to-Monitor components.
fDTM M21 Frequency DTM: A DTM marked to enable Chateau to schedule it according to its normal frequency rather than annually.
Initial M21 Initial monitoring requirement, regulation, or rule.
Late M21 Monitor Late.
Legacy M21 Inspection imported from a non-Chateau database.
m1 M21 First month on MMQ cycle after a component has previously been in the mmQ phase and had its MMQ phase reset due to a leak or newly installed equipment.
m2 M21 Second month on MMQ cycle after a component has previously been in the mmQ phase and had its MMQ phase reset due to a leak or newly installed equipment.
M1 M21 First month on MMQ cycle when initially qualifying for mmQ phase.
M2 M21 Second month on MMQ cycle when initially qualifying for mmQ phase.
MaintReq M21 An inspection specially Requested by Maintenance.
mmQ M21 The quarterly event occurring after a passing result on an M2 Inspection.
Monthly (M) M21 Required by regulation to be performed at this frequency.
New M21 The label attached to any inspection occurring before a Rule is run on a component, such as when a tech documents and monitors a component in Chateau Mobile before Chateau runs the rules on that new component.
NonCovRpt M21 NonCovered Comp PPM is Reportable.
NonCovVol M21 NonCovered Comp PPM is Not Reportable.
OEL Confirmation M21 Inspection on an Open Ended Line to determine if there is a VOC leak.
OGI Conf M21 Confirm an OGI result.
Open Flange M21 Monitor on an Open Flange recently opened to confirm it is properly closed.
Open Seal M21 Monitor on an Open Seal recently opened to confirm it is properly closed.
Open Threads M21 Monitor on an Open Thread recently opened to confirm it is properly closed.
PRV Delay M21 Delayed PRV Release check.
PRV Release M21 Primary PRV Release check.
Quarterly (Q) M21 Required by regulation to be performed at this frequency.
Random M21 Inspection done on a Random group of connectors.
SemiAnnual (S) M21 Required by regulation to be performed at this frequency.
Survey M21 Inspection performed someone wants for some special purpose.
UTM Now M21 Inspection performed on a UTM component safe to Monitor “now.”
Vol Reportable M21 Voluntarily Reportable.
Weekly (W) M21 Required by regulation to be performed at this frequency.



These non-reportable events DO NOT satisfy any other monitoring requirements.

InspectionWhy Inspection Type Definition
DORTrial M21 This special DOR ReTest does not create a leak if the PPM reading is above the leak definition. It is a trail inspection allowed under some regulations.
Vol NonReportable M21 Voluntarily NON Reportable


These are the AVO-Specific Events:

  • Field Find
  • UTMConfirm
  • AVOReTest (DOES NOT satisfy any other monitoring requirements)
  • Plus Frequency Whys
  • Barrier Failure
  • Investigation
  • Quality Control
  • Requested
  • Sensor Failure

These are the OGI-Specific Events:

  • Failed Picture Audit
  • OGI Retest
  • Plus Frequency Whys

These M21Whys (when required) can only be satisfied by themselves. They also DO NOT satisfy any other monitoring requirements.

Term   Definition
DORDelayedReT M21 For a ReTest on a DOR that is delayed after its Day 15 requirement.
DORReT M21 ReTest done on an component that is on DOR status.
ReTest M21 ReTest on leakers.


External M21Why

Inspections imported from previous databases will have an external InspectionWhy.

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