Term | Definition |
Chateau Mobile | A handheld application. |
Chateau Mobile Fields | The fields selected to sync back and forth with Chateau Mobile. |
Enable Tracking on Chateau Mobile | A feature for viewing a map of a tech’s path and work on a specific day. |
GPS Obtained Manually | In the event of attempting to monitor with a bad GPS signal, Chateau Mobile prompts you to use either the tablet’s last GPS coordinates, or input your own. Either of these options will contain the GPS Obtained Manually tag. |
Landmarks | Use Chateau Mobile to name and capture GPS for any non-component location in the Plant. Load a simple tour into Chateau Mobile and go to the field. When you get the landmark, record the description and Chateau Mobile will store the GPS automatically. |
New Generation Log | A log of the database being prepared for sending to Chateau Mobile. Note: This is only useful for Support issues. |
Safety | Set and configure Safety features for export to Chateau Mobile. |
Safety Awareness Moment | Special safety notices customizable under the Safety tab. |
Sync | Process of transferring data back and forth between a Chateau database and Chateau Mobile in a handheld. |
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