Images / Video

Type Taken By Taken When Where Stored Purpose
Target Image Camera in handheld The OGI Spot is documented and entered in Chateau On the OGI Spot Component record in Chateau; transferred to Chateau Mobile with components when the inspection is due Enable the tech to positively confirm he or she is imaging the proper component, equipment, or area. Also used in CMM to compare with the inspection image to QC the tech’s work
Inspection Image OGI Camera (still image) Inspection is performed; image is attached to a specific inspection Chateau on the Inspection Record To document the leak or inspection process
Video OGI Camera At the tech’s discretion; always attached to a specific inspection Chateau on the inspection record To document the leak or inspection process
Sensitivity Check Image and/or Video OGI Camera Sensitivity Check is confirmed Chateau on the Sensitivity Check Record To confirm the proper operation of the camera for the current day

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