Alternate Work Practice Process


OGI Annual/S/Q/B/M “OGI Alternative Work Practice Inspection”

OGI Why category assigned by Chateau Rules specifying that an OGI inspection complying with the AWP is required.
Milestone “Milestone Inspection”

OGI Inspection entered by the survey tech on a specific component indicating an OGI inspection has occurred at a specific time, such as at the beginning and end of a survey session and/or at a certain interval (e.g., 20 or x minutes) to end a session.

These are used to interpolate the Path Inspections on the intervening components between two Milestone Inspections based on either the Route Sequence, or the Tag Number Sequence.
Path “Path Inspection”

OGI inspection applied to the component based on the assumption it is along the Path (either based on Route Sequence or Tag Number Sequence) between two Milestone Inspections.
Session Interval The number of minutes between which a survey tech is prompted to record a Milestone (typically 20 or 60 minutes).
Session The period between two Milestones.


  1. Settings/OGI Settings:

    a. Toggle between AWP or OOOA Mode.

    b. Disclaimer when AWP mode is selected: I understand that Path Inspections are assigned to components based on no other factor than the Route Sequence or Tag Number Sequence between two Milestone Inspections and the Technicians authorization to assign them.

    c. Path Inspections will be interpolated based on:

    1. The order of the Tag Numbers

    2. Route Sequence

    d. How long should a Session interval be? _______ minutes.

    1. Set per technician in Resources / People. The person must have the Technician role in order for the setting to appear, and you must be an Owner of the database to edit.

  2. User builds rule for Alternate Work Practice.

    a. AWP (typically) requires Annual M21 and Bi-monthly OGI inspections.

    b. AWP also requires unique repair deadlines.

  3. User builds Tour and assigns to the technician. This will typically include all the components in a LUnit or Area.

  4. Tech checks out the Tour.

  5. Tech should record a Milestone inspection:

    a. On the first component, to begin his first session.

    b. After the interval specified in the settings, above. He will be prompted at the interval with an audio beep and the prompt will appear on the screen.

    c. Before and after each break, including lunch.

    d. Any time a leak is identified.

    On the component before the leaking component in the route, tech will then record the failing inspection on the leak and follow any leak protocols. Once the tech is ready to continue, the tech will perform a Milestone inspection on the very next component in the tour to begin the next session.

    e. On the last Component of the day, to end the last session.

  6. Tech will be able to tag a video or image on any Milestone Inspection.

  7. At the end of any session (between any two Milestones), when a Milestone is recorded:

    a. A prompt will be displayed to the tech when they input an ending Milestone (that is not already noted as a Path Inspection) that reads:

    “Based on the two Milestones you have just entered and the route sequence data (or tag number data), it looks like you have inspected xx components since __ time of the last Milestone which was ____. Please confirm you want to authorize the recording of these Path Inspections.”

    b. If they say “no” to this prompt, it will say:

    “Go back to tag number >>>>> and begin another session.” and not record any Path Inspections.

    c. As each subsequent Milestone is performed the Path inspections for the components between each set of Milestones will be created with a time of exactly between the two Milestone inspections.

    d. If a technician tries to perform a Milestone on a component already with a Path Inspection, a dialog warning will display telling the tech not to do this and give them the option to report a Bad Route.

    • “Don’t make this as a Milestone. Select another component.”

  8. Tech checks in at the end of day.

  9. Daily map shows Milestone and (passing) (green) and Leaks (red) and 2-minute time marks (blue) with blue line.


Sample day in the life of a technician:

(This scenario presumes the technician is supposed to record and tag a video for each Milestone Inspection and leak, but not take or tag a photo for Milestone inspections.)

  1. In Chateau Mobile, the tech checks out the tour, which contains all the components with inspections assigned to them.

  2. Tech opens the tour, selects the first component in the tour and finds it in the field.

  3. Taps OGI Done.

  4. Taps No for Tag Image.

  5. Take a video of the component. Stop the video.

  6. In Chateau Mobile, select: Tag Video.

  7. Begin surveying the Unit with the camera recording following the Route Sequence (or Tag Sequence).

  8. After the Milestone Interval, Chateau Mobile alerts the tech to record a Milestone inspection.

  9. In the tour’s component list, the tech selects and records a Milestone Inspection on the last component that he surveyed.

  10. The tech selects the component and taps OGI Done. The prompt appears informing how many components will have Path Inspections created on them. The tech taps OK and then No for Tag Image.

  11. When the Tag Video prompt appears, the tech stops recording on the camera and taps Tag Video. This closes out the first session and starts the second session.

  12. The tech starts the recording on the camera again and continues surveying the Unit along the Route Sequence (or Tag Sequence).

  13. The tech repeats steps 5 through 9 through the Unit until finding a leak.

  14. Upon finding a leak, the tech finds the component in the tour immediately BEFORE the leaking component and performs a Milestone Inspection on that component to end the session.

  15. The tech then selects the leaking component, taps OGI Fail, takes an OGI image with the camera, taps Tag Image, takes a video of the leak, and then taps Tag Video upon completion.

  16. The tech records the repair attempt and retest inspection, if needed.

  17. Once finished with the Leak, the tech selects the next component in the tour immediately AFTER the leaking component.

  18. The tech selects the component and taps OGI Done. The prompt appears notifying zero components will have Path Inspections created on them. The tech taps OK and then No for Tag Image and tap to Tag Video.

  19. Repeat Steps 5 through 9 until the end of day.

  20. When finished for the day, find the last component the tech inspected in the tour and select.

  21. Tap OGI Done. The prompt appears notyfing how many components will have Path Inspections created on them. The tech taps OK and then No for Tag Image.

  22. When the Tag Video prompt appears, the tech stops recording on the camera and taps Tag Video.

  23. Head back to office, open Sync screen, and tap Check In.

  24. The tech follows the procedure here in this article to match the videos to the inspections.

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