Component Properties

While a small number of these properties are required fields, you can customize your database by hiding most of these properties.

Your database will operate faster in some circumstances after hiding any properties you are not using. Of course, you can always put them back in the future, if needed.

To customize this aspect of your database, refer to Reporting a Software Issue (article link) in the Support Section. In the issue notes, just tell us which properties you want to hide or display.

There are two categories of properties:


Main Properties List

Property Definition
Area Geographical area designed as a part of a LUnit for helping group or locate components.
Batch Group Field for tracking when a component is a part of a batch process.
Battery Limit YES / NO field to indicate if a component is within a battery limit.
Building Use for identifying a component with a specific building.
Cancel DTM Frequency Checking this box will classify a DTM as an fDTM.

This would be done when a particular LUnit or Process Unit has more DTMs (as a % of all valves) than the regulations allow. This will cause the DTM to be monitored at the base frequency of the component rather than on an annual basis.
CompType Component Type, such as Valve, Connectors, Pump, etc.
Confined Space ID number for confined space. This is generated in the Safety / Confined Space feature.
Custom Field 1-5 Before using one of these custom fields, please contact . We will work to help you avoid it!
CVS Item is in a Closed Vent System.
Date Added The date the component was added to the database and made Active.
Department Used for identifying a component with a specific department.
Drawing Used for identifying a Component with a specific Drawing.
DTM Elevated component considered Difficult to Monitor.
DTM How The specific method for getting to this DTM, such as Ladder, Manlift, Scaffolding, etc.
DTM Why The specific regulatory approved reason why a component is marked as a DTM.
EP Number EPN Reference Number.
Equipment LowE Packing Description of your LowE packing.

Develop this list in Settings / Picklists / Category = Equipment. You can edit it in the “LowEPacking” picklist.
Extra Seams Indicates there is/are more than one seam on a component requiring special attention from the monitoring technicians and should trigger an additional seam for the purpose of calculations emissions.

For instance, if you record a compressor as having 1 extra seam, then the technician can be told that in Chateau Mobile, and when the emission calculations are done, Chateau will add the extra emission for the additional seam.
Facility This is the highest level of component classification. You can create multiple facilities in one instance of Chateau. You will then nest plants within each facility. It is likely you will have only one facility.
FIN ID number for FIN.
Flag Numeric sequence applied to the flags hung on groups of components for managing SmartFlag projects and applying a wide range of properties to groups of components efficiently.
Floor Use for identifying a component with a specific floor.
Insultation Describes the nature of any insulation which might be present on a component.

The values relevant to your program should be loaded into the Insulation picklist in Settings / Picklists / Category = Component.
Isolatable YES / NO field to indicate if a component is capable of being isolated.
Isolatable Source Text field for documenting the person who provided the information on which isolated field was populated.
Chateau collects the GPS coordinates from inspections performed on this component and uses them for the latitude and longitude data.

Each new inspection’s coordinates will be averaged with all previously-recorded coordinates so the latitude and longitude will gradually be as accurate as possible.

In order to filter out grossly-inaccurate coordinates, if the coordinate for any inspection is greater than one standard deviation from the existing average, it will not be factored in.

In cases where a significant amount of inspection coordinates were incorrect, our support team can wipe the past coordinates so you can start over.
Level Used for identifying a component with a specific level.
Location Description Text field describing the precise location and identification of each component.
LowE Detail Field for tracking a customizable list of LowE properties. Develop this list in Settings / Picklists / Category = Component.
LowE Required YES / NO field to indicate if a component is subject to LowE requirements.
LUnit Stands for Location Unit.

This is the basic identification level for all components. All components must be located in a LUnit. Essentially, it is this field which tells the technician where to get a safety permit to enter the LUnit. It is possible all LUnits can be nested in a single plant within a single facility. In many cases, the LUnit will be the same as the Process Unit. But in others—important cases—the two different properties may need to be tracked differently.

At tank (in a tank field), for instance, may be assigned to the LUnit names “Tank Field,” but also assigned to the Process Unit where the material in the tank was produced. In most cases though, both are the same. See Process Unit for more details.
NDE An item is classified as having been built to the standard of Non-Detectible Emissions.
OGI Site Identifier YES / NO field indicating if a component is being used as an OGI Site Identifier for image confirmation purposes.
P&ID Records the P&ID number for a component.
Permit Group Used for identifying a component with a specific Permit Group.
Physical State Light Liquid (LL), Gas/Vapor (GV), or Heavy Liquid (HL). Each component must have a physical state.
Piping Segment Used for identifying a component with a specific Piping Segment.
Plant Multiple plants can be nested into any facility. You will then nest any number of LUnits within any plant. It is possible you will have one or more plants.
POEL YES / NO field to indicate if a component is a Potential Open-Ended Line. This field will enable you to quickly build a tour to perform a field audit of all your POELs.
Process Section Used for identifying a component with a specific Process Section. This field is useful if you have a specific group of components covered by a special permit.
Process Unit A property assignable to components for connecting rules and reports to unit-level groups that are not LUnits. This is an optional field enabling you to sort, track, and manage components by Process Units, which may be different from LUnits (used for Locational purposes).

For instance, if you need to track components in piping from the originating LUnit to the Tank Farm and Storage, you can use this field. See LUnit for more details.
REN Reference Equipment Number. A major piece of equipment has a Reference Number (Ref Equip Number) used to group and sort components for identification and route sequencing purposes.
Route Sequence
Numeric sequence applied to all components indicating the physical order in which the technician should monitor them. In a Tour in Chateau Mobile, the components will normally be sorted according to the Route Sequence in ascending order. If the components have no Route Sequences, they will appear in random orders in Tours.

If you would rather use the Tag Number sequence to sort the components in the Tours, then go to Settings / Miscellaneous and enable Sort Tours by LUnit then Tag (not Route Sequence).

If you do not have Route Sequences already, here are your options:
  1. Contact support to set up Route Sequences according to your past inspection records (or other orders you prefer).

  2. Go to Settings / Miscellaneous and enable Sort Tours by LUnit then Tag (not Route Sequence) if your tag numbers resemble the order in which you want them inspected.

  3. If you have an upcoming component mapping project, fix the Route Sequences in SmartFlags.

  4. If you would like LDARtools to build a new Route Sequence using our SkyRoute system (based on GPS information, equipment references, and location description), contact
Safety Equipment A field for generating a customizable list of safety equipment that might be required for specific Components. Develop this list in Settings / Picklists / Category = Component.
Size The physical dimension indicating a characteristic of a component expressed in inches or a fraction thereof.
Stream The Process Steam identifier for each stream.
Structure Used for identifying a component with a specific structure.
Sub-Area Geographical area designed as a part of an area for helping group or locate components.
SubREN Locational modifier for a REN, such as level or compass direction, enabling the grouping of all components North of a REN, or on the top of a REN together.
SubSubType A more precise component identification type involving a breakdown within the SubType category.

For example, Orifice, Blind, Freestanding, and Valve End are SubSubTypes of the SubType of Flange.
SubType Special types of certain kinds of components. Check valve and block valve are SubTypes of valves. Flange and threaded are SubTypes of connectors. Canned or diaphragm are SubTypes of pump.
In Chateau, the tags can consist of numbers, letters, special characters, or any combination thereof. Also, you do not have to use padded zeros.
UTM Unsafe to Monitor.
UTM Why Indicates why a component has been classified as UTM.
Work Scheduled A field indicating a month in which a component should be monitored that is more specific than the regulatory schedule requirement. See the Work Schedule (link) article for more details.


Exemption Fields

Property Definition
< 10% VOC YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is less than 10% VOC.
< 300 Hrs YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is in Service Less than 300 hours per year.
< 5% VHAP YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is less than 5% VHAP.
Ceramic-Lined YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is ceramic lined.
High Pressure YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is in High Pressure Service.
High Temperature YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is in High Temperature Service.
Inaccessible-Buried YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Inaccessible due to being buried.
Inaccessible-Elevated/Connector YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Inaccessible due to being elevated.
Inaccessible-General YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Inaccessible for a reason other than the other available options.
Inaccessible-Obstructed YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Inaccessible due to being obstructed.
Negative/Low Vapor Press YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Negative of Low Vapor Pressure Service.
Non-VOC YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is NOT in VOC Service.
Purge System YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is in a purged system.
Sealless YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is Sealless.
Semi-sealed Connections YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is a semi-sealed connection.
Unmanned Site YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is located in an unmanned site.
Vacuum YES / NO to indicate if a component should be exempted from a specific regulation because it is in Vacuum Service.

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