Work Schedule

If you want Chateau to assist in tracking when to monitor a component at a different time than the compliance due date (e.g., you want to do all of your DTMs in October, each year, even though you don’t HAVE to have them done before December 31), you can use the Work Schedule feature.

  1. Go to Settings / Picklists / Category = Component and find the WorkScheduled picklist. (The picklists are in alphabetical order, so it is close to the end.)

  2. Decide which of these options you will need. We encourage you to hide all options you don’t need to make it easier for your users.

    The first item in the code is the month you want to perform the inspections. The second item is a parenthetical alphabetic character—e.g., (Q)—describing the base frequency of the components.

Term Description
Month 1 (Q) You want to schedule a quarterly component in the first month of each quarter. This will mean January, April, July, and October.


Note: You can set your G1, G2, or G3 MMQ components to M1, M2, or M3. If an MMQ component leaks and switches to M1 (and then M2), you will not be able to follow the Work Schedule for that particular component.

Month 2 (S) A semi-annual component that needing to be monitored in the second month of each semi-annual period. This will mean February and August.
May (A) An annual component you want to monitor in May.

Hide all the options that you do not need. You cannot add items to this list.

  1. You must now assign the appropriate value to all the components you want to manage the special Work Schedule on. You can use the Multi-Edit feature, or contact for technical assistance. 

  2. On the Queue, you can now use the Work Schedule feature to group the SubRows and identify the groups of components to be inspected in the upcoming months. This will enable you to easily select them for building tours.

Special Note: The Queue is generated and sorted by the end date based on the compliance schedule, not by the work schedule.

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Queue Terms