Safety Terms

Term Definition
Safety Awareness Moment Special safety notice presented to the technician while using Chateau Mobile.
Confined Space Use this to manage the tech’s handling of components known to be in a Confined Space.
Background Management This tracks the background and advises the technician how to respond in a high-background situation.

To avoid generating false alerts for high backgrounds, this feature will not include PPM values during and up to 5 minutes after inspections and calibrations.
DTM Checklist

A safety checklist automatically presented to a technician with a DTM in a Tour. We provide 17 groups of question by default. You can enable or disable, edit, delete any of the groups, or add your own customized groups.

Alarm Codes / Rally Points A feature to store safety information in Chateau Mobile and make it available to the technician.
Incident Response

Stores the site’s Incident Response plan in Chateau Mobile for easy access by the technician.

LUnit Safety Notice A special safety notice for a specific LUnit that will be presented to the technician before work begins in the LUnit each day.
Safety Equipment

To display safety equipment if it is specified for the components involved in the tour.

Simple Maintenance Checklist

A checklist to ensure the tech is competent and taking a safe approach before attempting to perform Simple Maintenance. We provide a list of questions by default. Some are generic and some are component type-specific. You can enable or disable, edit, delete, move up or down any of the questions, or add your own customized ones.

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