Rules Terms

Note: If you are unsure about how to manage rules in Chateau, please contact We can draft a template with your requested rule specs, and after receiving your approval, enter the template into the database.

Term Definition
Rules A rule is a set of user-defined specifications that include leak definitions, response ranges, and monitoring frequencies. Exemptions and initial or delayed monitoring requirements are sometimes added too.

These specifications can be drawn from not only regulations but also consent decrees, permits, and internal rules. You can have more than one rule for a single regulation—e.g., if an interpretation of the regulation changes or you want some of the LUnits covered by that regulation on a skip frequency.

A rule can only have one regulation. The Rules tab enables you to view, edit, add rules, and organize imports and exports.
Regulations The regulatory requirements you comply with; e.g., HON, GGG, Permits, Consent Decrees, OOOOa, etc.
Rules Engine A part of Chateau Services which applies rules to the components in the database. The Rules Engine is run automatically at 4:00 AM (04:00) every day.
Applied Rules The Rules currently applied to your LUnits.
M21/AVO/OGI/Cooling Tower Initial Initial monitoring requirement, regulation, or rule.

Exemptions in both M21/AVO Frequency and M21/AVO Exemptions will result in the specified components being exempted in initial inspections.
M21 PPM/OGI/Cooling Tower Response Ranges When the recorded PPM for certain components are over the set limit, leak responses will be triggered over these components.

Chateau separates M21 PPM Response Ranges from Leak Rates because in some regulations the response deadline varies depending on how high the PPM is.

You can enter multiple response ranges for the same component expression; e.g., LL Valve over 500 PPM: 5/5/15, LL Valve over 10,000 PPM: 3/3/3.
M21/AVO/OGI/Cooling Tower Frequency How often listed components will be inspected.

The following frequencies are available by default: Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, MMQ, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annual, and Exempt.

Please contract LDARtools support if you need to enable a multi-year inspection frequency.
M21/AVO/OGI/Cooling Tower Exemptions Components with the specified properties (such as < 300 hrs, inaccessible, or fully insulated) will be exempted from M21 or AVO inspections.
M21/Cooling Tower Leak Rates If an M21 inspection records a PPM over the limit set for certain components, a leak will be created in Chateau.

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