Remove user’s access to a database / Remove user’s assignment to a database

  1. Click Users in the left menu to open the user grid.

  2. Search for the desired user.

  3. Click the user’s name in the grid to open the User Details.

  4. Click the Assignments tab.

  5. Check the box next to the database you want to remove access, or remove assignment for.

  6. Click Remove Assignment.

  7. Click Remove when prompted.


User Credentials Note

Before deactivating or removing a user’s access to a database, first verify their credentials are not used in the Chateau Mobile’s Data Connections. If they are:

  1. Check in on the Sync screen first in Chateau Mobile.

  2. Then proceed with removing their user’s access to the database in Majordomo by removing their assignment to that database or Security Group, or deactivate the user depending on the goal you are aiming to achieve.

  3. Lastly, delete the data connections in Chateau Mobile and add a new one with a different user.

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