Home Screen

The Home Screen gives you quick insights into the overall state of your program.


Line Title Description
Theme Set the color scheme for Chateau.
M21/AVO/OGI Due Today How many components are due today.
M21/AVO/OGI Due Within 4 Days How many components are due within 4 days.
M21/AVO/OGI Due This Week How many components are due at the end of the week (Sunday).
M21/AVO/OGI Due This Month How many components are due this month.
M21/AVO/OGI Due This Year How many components are due this year.
Temporarily Unavailable in Service Active components you can’t monitor right now, but are still in service. Chateau enables you to REMEMBER you have it!
Temporarily Unavailable Purged Active components you can’t monitor right now and are purged of product. Chateau enables you to REMEMBER you have it!
Temporarily Insulated How many components currently have temporary insulation on them.
M21 Insp. on Tour Comps This Month How many M21 inspections have been performed on components in tours for this month.
AVO Insp. on Tour Comps. This Month How many AVO inspections have been performed on components in tours for this month.
M21s Left in Tours How many inspections are currently in tours.
AVOs Left in Tours How many AVO inspection are currently in tours.
Components in an Assigned Tour How many components do you have in tours currently assigned to a tech.
Components in an Unassigned Tour How many components do you have in tours not currently assigned to any tech.
Current Tours Assigned How many tours currently have a tech assigned to them.
Current Tours Not Assigned How many tours do not currently have a tech assigned to them.
Open Leaks How many open leaks there currently are.
Report to Maintenance An open leak for which the Next Action is for you to report it to maintenance for repair.
Await Maintenance An Open Leak for which the Next Action is waiting to hear back from maintenance that a repair has been completed.
DORs How many open DORs (Delay of Repair) you currently have.
DTMs How many DTM (Difficult to Monitor) components there are.
fDTMs A “retired” DTM. You had too many Annual DTMs in a LUnit (>3%), for instance, and had to reclassify one of them to be monitored at its base frequency. Chateau remembers it is elevated (and therefore DIFFICULT), but schedules it at its base frequency, hence fDTM.
UTMs How many UTM (Unsafe to Monitor) components there are.


This box contains an update on a variety of mission critical LDAR program items. You can check the status of each of these items occasionally. Alternatively, you can set up a porch alert to fire for each of these items by going to Porches / Audit Settings.



List of Components and counts by Type.


M21 Frequency

Each Component has an M21 Frequency that is the most stringent frequency on the component; e.g., M, Q, A, etc. This does not indicate whether the component is currently scheduled to be monitored. As the note indicates, since you can set special frequencies for DOR items, if you want to, which might cause these numbers to look just a little odd.


OGI Frequency

Each component has an OGI Frequency which is the most stringent frequency on the component; e.g., M, Q, A, etc. This does not indicate whether the component is currently scheduled to be monitored.


MMQ Phase

If you have a component with MMQ (Month/Month/Quarter) monitoring frequency, it shows the total number of them and how many components are on each phase.


Next M21Why

Every component currently scheduled had a REASON for the next time it is scheduled. Some of these reasons are obvious (M, Q, A). Some are a little less obvious (fDTM). Some are predictable (ReT). Some are cool (DOR, DORReT). Some take some explaining.


AVO Frequency

Each component has an AVO Frequency which is the most stringent frequency on the component; e.g., M, Q, A, etc. This does not indicate whether the component is currently scheduled to be monitored.


Next AVOWhy

Every component currently scheduled had a reason for the next time it is scheduled. Some of these reasons are obvious (M, Q, A). Some are predictable (AVOReTest, FieldFind).


Next OGIWhy

The reason these components are scheduled for the next time. Some are set frequencies (M, Q, A), while some are prompted by special situations (DTM/fDTM, Failed Picture Audit).



Line Title Description
Longest Delay on Daily Calibration This highlights any analyzer that might not be getting used. If that is important to you, it is really good to know.
Techs Onsite Techs that are currently marked OnSite.
Analyzers Available Analyzers currently in use.
Items on Owners Porch Shows how many items have not been cleared on the Owner’s Porch.
Failed Chateau Mobile Processing Shows if any Chateau Mobile databases failed to process the field data into Chateau and have a status of Failed Processing.

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