There two issues flowing from concern about “QA/QC.”

  1. The specific work product, urgency, and deliberation of how the individual technician performs his or her duties; and

  2. How well the site is being managed in terms of the organization of the work and the quality of the data the technician has to work with.

Chateau is designed to help you assess and track each of these issues separately.

Historically, LDAR managers have relied on an end-of-period review of monitoring data to assess technician performance. The problem with this approach is unless the performance issues are identified immediately, either the amount of data to review is overwhelming or feedback is not given quickly enough to optimize results. Chateau addresses this difficulty by allowing site managers to:

  1. Establish performance/ compliance parameters beforehand;

  2. Perform immediate, overnight audits to assess performance against those standards;

  3. Trigger next day feedback and resolution; and

  4. Provide the structure for documenting this feedback process.

Step 1: Establish Pace Settings.

  1. Go to Porches > Pace Settings.

  2. Input your Site Specific Settings.

  3. Chateau will perform and audit against these settings every night.

  4. Turn on the Excess Inspection AuditPorches > Audit Settings > search on “Excess.”

  5. Turn on the Excess Inspection Report.

  6. Assign an Automated Email Report to any individual whose email is entered into Resources > People.

  7. Deviations will be posted to the Owners Porch.

  8. Emails can be sent.

  9. Feedback can be given and recorded whenever a deviation occurs.

  10. All results of these deviations can be downloaded and printed at anytime by going to the Porches > Owners Porch > Excess Inspections > Historical Porch.

Step 2: Inspection integrity

  1. Search “inspection integrity” in PorchesAudit Settings.

  2. Select any Porch Audits you want to turn on.

  3. Assign email notifications, if any.

  4. Audits and emails will be automatically generated.

Step 3: Data Quality Porches

  1. Search “data quality” in Porches > Audit Settings.

  2. Select which Porch Audits you want to turn on.

  3. Assign email notifications, if any.

Step 4: Leak Porches

  1. Search “leaks” in Porches > Audit Settings.

  2. Select which Porch Audits you want to turn on.

    a. Late Leak Response?

    b. Leaks Closed with out PASSing PPM?

    c. Zero leaks with >= 75% Inspections?

  3. Assign email notifications, if any.

Step 5: Missed Events Porches

  1. Search “missed” in Porches > Audit Settings.

  2. Select which Porch Audits you want to turn on.

  3. Assign email notifications, if any.

Step 6: Reactivated Components

  1. Go to Porches > MOC Porch.

  2. Ensure all items are cleared from the Current Porch.

  3. Open the Historical Porch.

  4. Set the Start Date to when the database became active, and the End Date to today.

  5. Select Search.

  6. Filter Suggested Value for Reactivated.

Step 7: M21 Variance

Go to Help > Knowledge Base and in the search box type “variance” and follow this procedure.

Step 8: Request Work Performed Feature (this is a Beta feature)

  1. Go to Help > Ask Question.

  2. Enter your email address.

  3. In the Question box, type “Please turn on the Work Performed feature for our database: [include your database name from the top of your Chateau Screen].

  4. Once it is turned on…

  5. Open the Work Performed Picklist: Settings > Picklists > Inspections > Work Performed

  6. This will turn on the feature for each day when a tech checks out/in Chateau Mobile.

  7. Teach the technicians what each of the tasks means to you.

  8. Frequently, print the Work Performed Report: Report > Work Performed > Enter Date Range > Select Technicians > View Report.

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