How to Manually Close a Leak


If “Automatically close leaks with a first repair attempt and passing inspection” under Settings > Miscellaneous was turned on, the leaks will automatically close after the attempt and passing inspection were recorded.

If “Automatically close leaks with a first repair attempt and passing inspection” under Settings > Miscellaneous was NOT turned on:

  1. Click Leaks.

  2. Select the leak(s) you wish to close in the grid.

  3. Click the Close Leak button.

  4. Choose the reason for closing the leak in the dropdown.

  5. Enter the date you want to use as closing date for the leak.

  6. Click Close Leak in the prompt window, and again in the confirmation.

 If you wish to see the leak details for the leaks you selected, click the View Leak action button. There is also a Close Leak button in the Individual Leak View.

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