Retrieving Chateau Mobile Logs

  1. Connect the handheld to a computer with a USB cord.

  2. If you see your handheld in your PC’s File Explorer, proceed to the next step. If you don’t, go to your Android’s settings, find USB Preferences and select File Transfer under USE USB FOR. Now you should see your handheld in the File Explorer.

  3. In File Explorer, open This PC”Name of Handheld”\Tablet\Documents\LDARTools\Logs.

  4. The log files for today will be called:

    a. “YYYYMMDD_TechName_Chateau_Mobile”

    b. “YYYYMMDD_Chateau_Mobile“

    c. “YYYYMMDD_AnalzyerSerial_Chateau_Mobile_Readings”

    d. “YYYYMMDD_AnalzyerSerial_Chateau_Mobile_Status”

  5. Please copy the files to your desktop first, and then attach them to the support issue. Uploading directly from the handheld to the upload link will result in no data present in the files.

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