Expiration of Tours After Due Date

In the current system, tours created using the Queue or from the Component grid are displayed in the “Current Tours” tab. These tours will remain active until one of the following conditions is met:

  • All inspections within the Tour are completed.
  • The Tour is manually emptied or deleted by a user.
  • The Tour’s final due date elapses.

The Due column in the Tour grid reflects the earliest due date for any component within the tour. While some components may have later due dates, the system prioritizes the earliest due date for display.

When a tour reaches its expiration, any inspections tied to that tour will be removed if their specific due date has passed. The entire tour will be deleted once the final component’s due date elapses.

If a tour includes components with different due dates, inspections with earlier due dates will be removed once those dates pass, even if other components with later due dates remain. Once the last due date is reached, the whole tour will expire.

This automatic removal of expired tours helps keep the tour list current and relevant to inspection needs. However, it’s important to note that once a tour expires, any components that were not inspected will require a new tour to be rebuilt if they still need to be addressed.

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