How to DeActivate Components


Caution: DeActivation should only be utilized if you plan to permanently remove a component from service. For altering the status of a temporarily unavailable component, please consult the TUx section.

  1. Click Components.

  2. Type Tag in the query field and choose Tag in the drop down.

  3. Type the tag number of the specific component you need to deactivate and hit Enter.

  4. Click on Search.

  5. Click the row to select that component in the grid.

  6. Click View Component.

  7. Click Edit.

  8. Click the pencil icon next to the Active status in the Profile section.

  9. Select DeActivated in the Profile dropdown.

  10. Select the reason for deactivation in the Profile Change Why dropdown.

  11. Select the date you want this deactivation to take place in the Effective Date box.

  12. Click OK to save.

  13. Click Save.

  14. Select the reason for deactivation in the Profile Change Why dropdown.

  15. Click Save.


  • In the Component grid, DeActivated components are hidden by default. To view them, select Include DeActivated in the query options.
  • If the component is currently DeActivated, the most convenient way to verify the DeActivated status is to look for the Profile Start column in the Component grid. The column will show the date the current profile started for the components.
  • If the component was DeActivated but later changed to other profiles, use the MOC porch to look up their DeActivated dates (either under Porches or in the individual component view).


Reactivating DeActivated Components

To reactivate DeActivated components, follow the same steps as deactivating, and change the profile to ReAct. This should only be done in the event that the deactivation was applied in error and recent.


  • Note: This will set this component to Active as the Profile. No component will have ReAct as its actual profile.

  • Note: In Porches > Audit Settings you can turn on the Reactivated Components porch. It will alert you about component reactivations so you can confirm they are in compliance with inspections and emission calculation requirements.


In Chateau Mobile

  1. Select the component to load its component details.

  2. Click the Edit pen.

  3. Click the Profile field, and then select DeActivated and the Effective Date.

  4. Choose a Profile Change Why, then click Save.

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