Connect to TVA with Chateau Mobile

  1. Ensure the TVA serial number is recorded for an Active Analyzer in Chateau Resources.

  2. Power on the TVA.

  3. Ensure the TVA is in LOG OFF mode, rather than LOG ON.

  4. Ensure the TVA’s GPS is turned off.

  5. Connect the Android device to the TVA BEFORE you launch Chateau Mobile.

    • Note: You may be prompted to name the Bluetooth connection.

  6. Once the Android device is connected to the TVA’s Bluetooth, launch Chateau Mobile and check out under your name on the Sync screen.

  7. Tap the analyzer (phx21) icon at the top-right corner of the Chateau Mobile window.

  8. Select the TVA’s Bluetooth name from the list. When prompted, choose the TVA’s serial number from the list.

    • Note: This list is filtered by analyzer model type.


If you do not see your analyzer’s serial number in the list, but you know it was added in Chateau:

  • Double-check the analyzer model is correct under the analyzer in Resources > Analyzer in Chateau. If it is not, update to the correct model. Then check in and check out.

  • Verify the analyzer has not been deactivated. If so, reactivate it and then check in and check out.

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