Adding New Leak Alerts

  1. Click Add New and enter name of the alert.

  2. Select the dropdown next to Add Fields to Query and select the property name.

  3. Select or enter the desired property value.

  4. Repeat for any additional property criteria.

    Components have to satisfy every criteria in the assignment to be included in it. For example, if you have CVS=Yes and UTM=Yes, a component will have to be both CVS and UTM to have this alert assigned to it.

    If you wish to have an alert on components that are either CVS or UTM, you should make two separate assignments: one for CVS only, and one for UTM only.

  5. Enter the email or name (if person is a user in Chateau) in the Send to: field.

  6. Select the frequency of when a leak should trigger an email from the Frequency dropdown.

  7. Select Yes or No on Do you want this to change the Next Action to Awaiting Maintenance?

  8. Click Enabled.

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