The following reports are available on the Reports tab.
Report | Description |
Activated Components | Shows all components added to the database under the selected regulation and time period. Also shows who suggested and approved the new components, and the ActiveWhy (why they were added). |
Activated Components with Equipment | Shows all components added to the database under the selected regulation and time period. Also shows who suggested and approved the new components, and the ActiveWhy (why they were added) with the additional information of showing the MOC Reference, Model, and Packing associated with the component. This information is pulled from the Component Equipment feature on the Tag View. |
Reports all components with the selected Regulation assigned to them as of the selected effective date. Components are broken down by LUnit or Process Unit, Type, M21 Frequency, AVO Frequency, DTM, and UTM. | |
A count of all components in the selected units, broken out by Units, Type, Frequencies, CVS, DTM, UTM and NDE, as of the End Date selected. | |
If your Consent Decree requires personnel to sign off on work done, this report will show all signatures for Technicians and Coordinators during the selected date range. | |
Presents a self-check report for all passing Daily Calibrations showing which items passed during self-check, and which were flagged along with the passing Daily Calibration record. | |
Reports all components that were deactivated with an effective date during the selected date range and under the selected regulation. | |
This report gives the current count of DTM components broken down by Unit and Type with the parameters of Regulation, Unit Type, Units, and Component Type.
The DTM count excludes any component that is CancelDTMFrequency = Yes and DTM = Yes. The Allowed column is calculated the number of DTM components you are allowed for the Unit to stay below 3%. |
Reports all inspections that have occurred on components in the Units with the selected Regulation assigned.
Reports on equipment added to a component using the Component Equipment module on the Tag View during the selected date range. This includes equipment models and LowE packing.
Tech Inspections |
Reports number of inspections, first and last inspection times, and analyzer for each day for every technician during the selected date range.
TUx Summary |
Reports all components with a TUx profile (Out of Service) at any point during the selected date range.