Compliance Reports

The following reports are available to you in the “Compliance” folder on the Reports tab.

Report Description
Agency SemiAnnual Reports the component count changes, TUx component counts, M21 inspections, number of leaks, number of DORs open, and calculates the Leak % (number of leaks found vs inspections performed) found each month for a 6 month period.

Report is broken out by “Unit” and then “Type.” For Type = Valve, additional information of NDE, DTM, UTM component, and inspection counts are reported. Any components that are physical state = Heavy Liquid or have an M21 Frequency of Exempt are NOT included in the report.

If the parameter ‘is HON’ = Yes then DORs will be included in the Leak % calculation, except for Valves. For Valves if the DOR % for valves in that unit is less than 1% then DORs will be excluded from the leak %, if the DOR % is => 1% then DORs will be included in the leak %.
Component Count Change Reports changes in the number of components with the selected Regulation assigned to them broken down by Unit.

CVS-NDE Inspection History

Reports all AVO and M21 inspections occurred on components if they are CVS = Yes or NDE = Yes during the specified date range, and have the selected regulation assigned.

KKK SemiAnnual


Periodic Inspection Summary

Breaks out each unique component expression (type, subtype, physical state, UTM, DTM) in a Unit and reports component count changes, inspections for the selected inspection type, Leaks, DOR count changes, and TUx count for the month.

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