How to Add a New Component

Using Copy to Add:


  1. Click on Components.

  2. Utilize the query builder to find existing components that closely resemble the one you are about to add.

  3. Once you have your query built, click on Search.

  4. Select the row with the component that best matches the one you are about to add.

  5. Click on View Component.

  6. Click on Copy To Add.

  7. Choose the reason for adding this new component in the Profile Change Why dropdown.

  8. Click on OK.

  9. Remember to change the Tag field to the new tag number.

  10. Edit any other property fields that do not match the new component.

    • Note: To back-date the date the component was added, ensure to change the Date Added field. If you are not an approver, this can also be done in the New Component Porch prior to Approval. Once the component is active in the database, you cannot change the Date Added without assistance from support.

  11. Click on Save.

  12. Choose whether to Run Rules now or Skip Rules.


Adding from Scratch:


  1. Click on Components.
  1. Click on Add Component from Scratch.

  2. Choose the reason for adding this new component in the Profile Change Why.

  3. Click on OK.

  4. Update the Tag field to the new tag number.

  5. Update the required property fields and any others that you can.

    • Note: To back-date the date the component was added, ensure to change the Date Added field. If you are not an approver, this can also be done in the New Component Porch prior to Approval. Once the component is active in the database, you cannot change the Date Added without assistance from support.

  6. Click on Save.

  7. Choose whether to Run Rules now or Skip Rules.


Note: If you are not an approver, an approver or processor has to approve the new components you add on the New Component Porch.

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