AVO Leak on an Untagged Component

In order for Chateau to record and manage an AVO event or leak, there must be a component to associate the inspection with.

In Chateau Mobile, you can allow your technicians to store an AVO report on an untagged component. You can create the option at Field Events / AVO.

If you are going to allow this and manage AVO events or leaks on untagged components, you have to turn on the Not Tagged AVO Audit in the Porches / Audit Settings feature. This will present the reported leak in the Owners Porch and, if selected, send an email to notify the designated person.

You can then create a component in Chateau and enter the AVO inspection. This will cause the AVO event to appear in the AVO Event grid where you can designate it as a Leak, or request more information before making that assessment.

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