View a Scout Map

Note: Inspection GPS info is only available in the Scout map when tracking in Chateau Mobile was enabled.

For any day inspections are performed, you can view a map of the GPS information associated with the path the technician took and the actual inspections performed.

To view a Scout map:

  1. Open the Scout tab.

  2. Select a start date.

  3. Select an end date.

  4. If you want to select a specific date, make the start and end dates the same.

  5. Click Search.

  6. When the grid appears, scroll right to view the number of inspections for each technician.

  7. Select a technician and the map will appear.

  8. The map is interactive, allowing you to use your cursor for selecting any of the inspection icons to reveal all of the data associated with that inspection.

  9. You may specify the start time and the end time in the Time Range Filter to show the inspections happened in that time time range only.
Icon Item Description
AVO Inspection  
M21 Inspection  
OGI Inspection Inspection performed by an infrared camera.
Passed Inspection No leak.
Failed Inspection Indicates a leak.
Duplicate GPS Coordinates Same GPS on multiple inspections.
Technician Location Shows a dot for each two minute interval where no inspections were performed.
Weak GPS  
GPS Entered Manually  
Greater Than 75 ft. from Component Location
The GPS coordinate for the inspection is calculated to be more than 75 ft. from the known GPS coordinate for the component.
Greater Than 50 ft. from Component Location The GPS coordinate for the inspection is calculated to be more than 75 ft. from the known GPS coordinate for the component.
Component Location GPS coordinate for the component the recorded inspection was performed on.
Line to Actual Component Line from the inspection to the GPS for the component.
Technician Path Path the Technician Traveled between Inspections.

You will notice you can use the check boxes to hide or reveal the following four data sets:

  • Tracking Data
  • Technician Actual Track
  • Component Location
  • Line to Actual Component

You also have the following controls on the map’s image:

Icon Function
Expand the image to full screen.
Center the image on the screen.
Rotate map to the right (clockwise).
Rotate map to the left (counterclockwise).
Change the angle of you view.
Make the map larger or smaller.
Export the Scout Map to a PDF with a signature box.


Sometimes the icons will appear alone, as shown in the legend, while other times you will see hybrid versions of more than one icon combined, as shown below.

Failed OGI Inspection, Weak GPS
Failed M21 Inspection
Passed AVO Inspection, Greater than 50 Feet from the Component
Passed M21 Inspection, Greater than 75 Feet from the Component

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