LTI Desktop Manager Conversion

We will need a backup of your current LTI Database LTI Desktop Manager is using. To determine the location of the server hosting the database, follow the steps below.

  1. Launch LTI Desktop Manager and log in.

  2. Click Admin Settings at the top of the screen.

  3. On the Admin popup window’s left-hand side, you will see server options. In most cases, only one option is visible, but if there are multiple, select the active one.

  4. Select the currently-active server. On the LTI Server tab, you will see the Server and Database fields.

  5. You will need the information listed in those fields to either provide to IT, or to perform the following steps if you are the one creating the sql backup.

You can send the following request to your IT department if your company hosts your database.

Email Template
I would like to request a backup for the following SQL database, in the form of a .bak file:

• Server Name: [Server name from above]
• Database Name: [Database name from above]

Thank you.
[Your Name]

If your IT department created the backup, LDARtools can provide a link for them to upload the backup file if they do not have a preferred file share software.

If, for some reason, you have access to the server and there is no IT department, then you can follow the steps below to create a backup of your database to send to LDARtools. LDARtools will provide an upload link when needed.

.bak file contains a full backup of your database. This guide will walk you through the process of generating a .bak file using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio on your computer.

    2. Connect to your database.

    3. In the Connect to Server window, enter the server name and authentication details to connect to the SQL Server instance containing the database you want to back up.

  2. Select the database.

    1. Expand Server Node.

    2. In the Object Explorer, expand the server node to view the databases.

    3. Locate and right-click the database you want to back up.

  3. Initiate the backup process.

    1. Select the backup option.

    2. From the right-click menu, navigate to Tasks > Back Up.

    3. Configure the backup settings.

    4. In the Back Up Database window, ensure the database name is correct.

    5. Set the Backup type to “Full” to create a full backup of the database.

  4. Specify the backup destination.

    1. Select the destination.

    2. Under the Destination section, ensure the “Disk” option is selected.

    3. Click Add… to specify the file location where the backup will be saved.

  5. Choose backup file location.

    1. In the Select Backup Destination window, click the  button to browse and select the directory.

    2. Enter the file name with a .bak extension (e.g., DatabaseName_FullBackup.bak) and click OK.

    3. Verify the selected destination path is listed correctly and click OK to close the Select Backup Destination window.

  6. Perform the backup.

    1. Review all the settings in the Back Up Database window to ensure they are correct.

    2. Click OK to start the backup process.

    3. A progress window will appear indicating the status of the backup. Wait for the backup to complete.

    4. Once the backup completes, a confirmation message will appear. Click OK to close the message.

  7. Verify the backup file.

    1. Locate the backup file.

    2. Navigate to the directory where you saved the .bak file to ensure it was created successfully.

  8. Upload the backup file to the ShareFile upload link provided by LDARtools, or upload to your company’s approved file sharing software and provide a share link to LDARtools Support.

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